Sacred Threads: The Story of the Yoga Sutras

Join Annie Moyer for this six-week course to explore the meaning, intent, and modern relevance of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. This exploration of the history and philosophy of "classical" eight-yoga will include lecture, discussion, and meditation experiences. 

Topics will include the Eight Limbs of Yoga, the yamas and niyamas (ethics and personal observances), the role of asana in the larger context of practice, what we are actually "yoking" in "yoga," and more. 

This series will take place Wednesdays in-person in the Arlington Studio and on Zoom from April 24 - May 29, 7:30p - 9:00p ET.

This class is open to all students, and is also required for In-Depth Teacher Training students. 

Sign up for all six for $18/class, drop in one at a time for $25/class, or use your existing package to attend any or all of the weekly sessions. 

3811 Langston Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22207