Breathing for Vitality: 30 Practices to Build Prana with Carol Confino

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Sunday 10/20/2024 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Sunday 10/27/2024 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

$150.00 Breathing for Vitality: Full Series

Commit to this new and inspiring six-week course with Carol Confino using breath practices and movement to build energy, strength, and improve your mood and resilience. This workshop explores breathing from a yogic and scientific perspective based on rich resources from the book Restore your Prana by Robin Rothenburg, C-IAYT.

These practices have been employed successfully for those with long-COVID, asthma, autoimmune disorders, sleep apnea anxiety, and neurological conditions, among others, and can help you move gracefully around whatever obstacles you are encountering.

The workshop is designed as a series, with each class building on the last. Each session will consist of an introduction followed by breath practices and a breath-based asana practice.  Time will be set aside for questions and discussion.

Attend in-person or on Zoom. If you have to miss a session, the recording will be available for one month following the live presentation. 

You'll be invited to complete an initial intake form and final evaluation to assess the effectiveness of the teaching method and practices in this series.

Week One: The Energy Bank Account. We start with our existing resources, and examine simple habits that can bolster those resources. This week's initial physical focus is on the diaphragm, its important impact on your breath, and how it can contribute to either an energy reserve or an energy deficit. Learn about samskara, vayus, and the three gunas (states of natural existence).

Week Two: Breath Practice Survey. Which practices and movement combinations can help us to change our habits to find more ease? Investigate the koshas, nose clearing, chest breath, and the deep front line. 

Week Three: Going Deeper. Beginning with simple body alignment techniques, learn how to tweak the jaw and face muscles to influence the breath. This week we will also continue to develop diaphragmatic strength, and discuss mouth taping, tongue positioning, jalandhara bandha, and short breath holds. 

Week Four: Breathing for Power. This week's focus is on breaths that tap into core strength from the belly, the pelvis, and the "ZOA," or Zone of Apposition. We'll practice the undulation/pandiculation series, as well as a pelvic core series.

Week Five: The Brain and the Nervous System. We’ll explore the potential for powerful changes in your conditioned responses to challenging stimuli through the seemingly simple addition of mantra and mudras, as well as a basic understanding of the emotional brain and the vagus nerve.

Week Six: Breathing for the Subtle Body. We conclude the series by sensing into the finer energy flows charted by the ancient yogis, and learning to use tools like kumbhaka (gentle pauses) and bija mantra (seed sounds) to fine-tune our energetic awareness. 

Carol Confino

Carol encourages students to practice without judgment so they can find ease in their body, and she offers many reminders that yoga is more than just poses on the mat. By using breath, relaxation, and body awareness practices, she offers a guide for enjoying the benefits of yoga throughout the day.

After a 14-year professional career as a nurse, Carol turned to yoga for an initial 300-hour training at Sun & Moon in 2006. She then completed her 500-hour certification and Yoga Therapy certification with Inner Peace Yoga Therapy in Colorado, including training in structural issues, depression, grief, chronic pain, cancer, and heart health. Additional certifications include IAM Yoga Nidra practioner through Amrit Yoga Institute, Brain Longevity Specialist, Ayurvedic Yoga Health Coach, and Level 1 LifeForce Instructor for depression.